Sunday, September 5, 2010

Post #1: The Latin American Experience

I would say that the only strong bond I have to Latin American culture is the fact that I took Spanish class for about 7 years. It has always been one of my most interesting subjects, and although I struggled a bit in the technical spectrum of the language, I always thought the culture lessons were the most interesting. In fact, I took an elective class last year simply about current events in Latin America, which taught me a lot about the various issues facing the various countries there. I would really like to visit Belize, as it seems like a hidden gem of gorgeous beaches, scenery, and history. I would also really like to visit the more local and culture driven areas of Mexico, as the only places that I have been are tourist beach areas. When I think of Mexico, some things that come to mind are the Dia de los Muertos, Frida Kahlo, the war on drugs, and weirdly enough, chicharrĂ³nes. This list my no means is all that comes to mind when I think of Mexico, but its just a couple of random concepts that come to mind. I remember constantly learning about Dia de los Muertos in elementary school, and learning about how the masks etc... where meant to scare the demons or ghosts away. I remember learning about how each family set up memorials for their loved ones with candles on that day to commemorate them. I also think of Frida Kahlo because I learned about her both in my Spanish and various history classes. She was an artistic icon in Mexico and her art is often remembered and displayed even today. The war on drugs is also something I think about a lot in Mexico because its such an enormous and significant issue in the current world. This an extremely sensitive and constant issue throughout many areas in Central America, one that they are working hard to resolve. I also just had to add that I think of ChicharrĂ³nes when I think of Mexico, simply because its something that I just remember from my elementary school Spanish lessons. It is a pork rind snack that is popular in places such as Mexico and Spain. Latin American culture is something that is interesting to me and I am excited to be able to learn more about it.